
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Episode 50: Democratizing Trade Finance with Dominic Broom
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
In a global world of trade finance, is it possible to move beyond the noise and create a democratized system?
My guest today on the #FintechScalingShow, Dominic boom, CEO of Fineon Exchange, talks through how tech is creating an opportunity to disrupt the norm and connect people in global trade.
He goes on to talk through the digital agenda and the impact this will have on both pre and post-trade processes.
Episode 50, Democratizing Trade Finance, dives into tech and how AI this will play an integral part in building the systems, processes, and models in the new global trade ecosystem of the future
Key Discussion Points
- The future of trade finance, in a digital world
- How team mentoring can help propel you forward
- How to setup referrals and partnerships that work
“Managing the data and efficient processing of that data and understanding that data enables businesses and financial institutions through relevant applications to greatly enhanced their efficiency. And therefore in turn, that's underpinning a global economic model.That is revolutionary.” - Dominic Broom
Website: https://fineon.net/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Episode 49: Building a Rocket Ship with Linnar Schwarz
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Is it possible to build a rocket ship as it takes off?
My guest today on the #fintechscalingshow, Linnar Schwarz, COO of Candis, takes us through the playbook of assembling a team, processes and systems as the business took off.
Episode 49, Building a rocket ship goes full circle on data, philosophy, teams, conflict, and community as we unpack the secrets to a successful takeoff.
Key discussion topics
- How data plays a role in decision-making
- Why organizing teams and structures early pay off in the long run
- How to leverage your community as you grow.
“We paid a lot of attention to how do we build the teams instead of just naturally falling into this functional way of building your company “ - Linnar Schwarz
Website: https://en.candis.io/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Episode 48: A Founders Story with Mark Vedel
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Have you ever stopped to think about what makes a founder, a founder?
My guest today on the # Fintechscalingshow. Mark Vedel, the founder of Inscale, talks us through his journey into becoming a founder. He opens up about the lessons he learned as he tracked through Papua New Guinea with nomads in the 80s.
He goes on to talk about how being a survivor has helped him as he launched Inscale and built an international business with a global footprint
Episode 48, A Founder Story, dives into the mind of a true entrepreneur and artist as we listen to how he created his life.
Key Discussion points
- How non-technical skills can help as you go to launch your business
- Why founders thrive on uncertainty
- What to look out for as you scale your company
“So I think the best thing you can do is get some key customers. Focus, the more you focus on something small and the more narrow that is, the easier it is to be successful. “ - Mark Vedel
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/mavedel/
Website: https://www.inscale.net/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday May 31, 2021
Episode 47: Don't Look Behind, Move Forward with Jan Speelman
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How do you turn around a business as you're building it?
My guest today on the #Fintechscalingshow, Jan Speelman dives feet first into how to turn around a company and at the same time, keep team morale up as you change your lanes.
Jan Talks about how blocking out the noise is so important as you move into unchartered territory.
Episode 47, Don't look behind move forward, demonstrates the resilience, grit, and determination required to lead a business in a turnaround situation.
Key discussion points
- How being human has a positive impact on culture.
- How strategy brings clarity to unchartered territory.
- The importance of continuously developing sales leads.
“Leverage your ability to be a bit more structured to, to do more longer-term thinking and help your organization forward “ - Jan Speelman
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-speelman-b9bb7710/
Website: https://agicap.com/en/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday May 24, 2021
Episode 46: Helping Banks to Create a Digital Future with Timothée Grüner
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
What are you doing right now to help the banking infrastructure evolve as we move towards a digital future?
My guest today on the #fintechscalingshow, Timothée Grüner, CCO of Antelop Solutions shares his insights into how Antelop Solutions help the banks innovate at pace by allowing them to offer their customers a digital solution for their credit cards.
Timothée goes on to talk about how the payments world is evolving and adapting to the digital space and how Antelop Solutions have built a robust vision and industrialized the delivery mechanisms to allow banks to get their product to market much quicker than what used to be the traditional methods.
Episode 46, helping banks to create a digital future, is a strategic masterclass into how to build out a strategy to scale, and at the same time provides an insider's view into payments innovation
Key Discussion Topics
- The importance of strategic and growth drivers
- How to create and execute on your value proposition
- How to industrialize your delivery methodology
“I had the clear and strategic vision on what was the solution that we could bring to the banks, how we could approach them and on which markets we should focus and prioritize. Splitting this into growth drivers and strategic drivers. That's very important to understand that you need a clear strategic development vision on where you want to bring that stuff up in the future years. “ - Timothée Grüner
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timoth%C3%A9e-gruner-2954577b/
Website: https://www.antelop-solutions.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday May 17, 2021
Episode 45: Gamification as you scale with Stephen Old
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Is it possible to gamify your business as you scale?
My guest today on the #FinTechscalingshow, Stephen Old, head of business acquisition at Strategic-Blue shows how gamification has played a vital role in moving the needle, in helping teams pull together as the business moves through the gears.
Steve goes on to talk about how his knack for solving problems has helped drive business growth on a year in year out basis, and why this is an important part of scaling.
Episode 45, Gamification as you scale opens up a debate and how you can use engaging tools to drive your employees forward together.
Key Discussion Topics:
- How different experiences help as you scale a business
- What is gamification, and how to use it effectively
- The art of problem solving as you jump over the hurdles
“I feel very accountable to myself and I want to feel like I've done the right thing. I want to feel like I've done a good job. And I think in scaling, that's really important because sometimes you've just got to sit there and do it and hit the phones or spend the time doing those things that keep you working late that night, because that's what's needed to win that logo that helps you win the next logo. And then it start that domino effect. ” -Stephen Old
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephen-old-6ab15082/
Website: https://strategic-blue.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday May 10, 2021
Episode 44: Using Data to Unlock Power with Julian Cork
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Are you using data in a way that empowers your teams?
My guest today on the #FintechScalingShow, Julian Cork, COO of LandBay speaks about how he is using data to turbocharge his business.
Julian goes on to share why it's vital to have the right governance in place as you scale, and the importance of setting this up early doors and not as an after thought as your business starts scaling.
Episode 44, using data to unlock your power is a masterclass in strategy and execution from a FinTech leader that is scaling one of Europe's fastest growing Fintechs.
Key Discussion Points.
- Why governance should we put in place at the start of your journey and how it can empower you going forward
- How to adopt an agile philosophy in your business to truly move the dial
- How to use data to empower your teams
- How to foster collaboration as you scale
“People realize that they need to really work very collaboratively to make things happen across those different departments.” - Julian Cork
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliancork/
Website: https: https://landbay.co.uk/intermediaries
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday May 03, 2021
Episode 43 Unlocking the African Volt with Simon Ellis
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How can your mission impact society?
My guest today on the #fintechscalingshow Simon Ellis, CEO and co-founder, of Smart Wage asked this poignant question as he set out to launch his startup.
Simon goes on to talk about earned wage access and why this is vital and how his solution is helping many in society to actually just afford the essentials in order to survive.
Episode 43, unlocking the African volt, dives into an important topic and uncovers why it's vital to stay true to yourself as you build out a business.
Key Discussion Points:
- How consulting tools helped him on his startup journey
- How to set up the systems and processes in your startup?
- Why agility is important as you scale up?
“Being adequately prepared for whatever is next, predict the possible outcomes and always putting your best foot forward can enable you to deliver your goal ” - Simon Ellis
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-ellis-2aa14a8b/
Website: https: https://smartwage.co.za/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Episode 42: Pivoting to Survive with Tom Britton
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Have you ever been underwater and finally, when you finally come up for air it's a huge release?
This is what it feels like to pivot and at the end of the day, achieve what you set out to do in order to survive!
My guest today on the #fintechscalingshow, Tom Britton, co-founder of Syndicate Room, talks through his experience of changing lanes and the tough call he had to make along the way.
Episode 42 Pivoting to Survive; outlines the toolkit required to make the most out of a pivot, and in the process make certain to bring your team along with you.
Key Discussion Points
- Pivot or pack-up, the decisions required to pull through
- How to galvanize your team as you change lanes?
- How tech can create efficiency and reduce overheads?
“The pressure of a startup is very similar to the pressure on an athlete. You have to perform on the day. There's constant pressure to evolve to get better, to grow, to win. ” -Tom Britton
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tombritton/
Website: https://www.syndicateroom.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Apr 19, 2021
Episode 41: Scaling Disruptive Ideas with Derk Roodhuyzen de Vries
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Have you ever had an absolutely fantastic idea, but at the end of the day, the product wasn't able to reach market or you weren't able to scale the business?
My guest today on the #fintechscalingshow, Derk Roodhuyzen de Vries, the CEO and co-founder of Fixico shares how he came up with a revolutionary idea of how to digitize the car repair process.
Derk opens up about the process he had to go through and is still going through in order to really shift the mindset of a market that was, and in some instances still is outdated, towards a digital future - this is the Fixico mission (and what a mission it is)
Episode 41 Scaling Disruptive Ideas: talks about a journey of a startup from the humble beginnings of Amsterdam to the international arena and all the learnings in between.
Key Discussion Topics
- Why looking at opportunities outside your core offering is a must?
- How to educate a market for the digital future
- How to scale across borders
"The right mindset, belief, spirit, and character are important in your company. Especially when you're growing"- Derk Roodhuyzen de Vries
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/derk-roodhuyzen-de-vries-09a6983a/
Website: https://fixico-business.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Apr 12, 2021
Episode 40: To Scale, Find the Right People with Martin Kassing
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
As you scale, have you found that attracting the right talent is an endurance race, rather than a 100metre dash ?
My guest today on #thefintechscalingshow Martin Kassing, CEO of Upvest talks about this and the importance of finding the right mix of people in the surge to grow. Martin also highlights the compounding effect that comes from trusting your people to passionately drive your vision as you work to create a sustainable and thriving workforce.
Episode 40 To Scale, Find the Right People: dives deep into the thoughts of a fintech leader’s philosophy on how to not only attract the right talent but secure the right values and also build the right strategies to ensure there’s proper flow as talent comes into the business, helping the business to scale.
Key Discussion Topics:
- How to build relationships & foster trust in your people
- How to develop a talent management system to scale
- How empowerment creates leverage
“You need to be incredibly fast in actually getting the right information and in asking the right questions ” - Martin Kassing
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-kassing/?originalSubdomain=de
Website: https://upvest.co/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Episode 39: How Philosophy Determines Your Path with Gerard Bernal
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Have you ever stopped to think how your business philosophy acts as a guiding principle as you grow?
My guest today on the #fintechscalingshow, Gerard Bernal, CEO and Co-Founder, of Balio shares his insights into breaking down inward thinking, as we discuss the highs & lows of his startup. Gerard goes on to talk about the advantages of creating a community around values, something that’s helped his philosophy evolve.
Episode 39: How Philosophy determines your path gives rise to taking ownership of your journey, because if you don’t expand, then inevitably the opposite happens!
Key Discussion Topics:
- Why your philosophies should continuously evolve
- Building strong communities to help develop your business
- How to build your lifestyle into your business
“When you are creating an online community with good ideas, good product, a good philosophy. They become the ambassadors. They are creating the brand. ” - Gerard Bernal
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerardbernal/
Company Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/balioapp/
Website: https://balio.app/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Mar 29, 2021
Episode 38: Creating Rituals to Scale with Manolo Atala
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How do you think rituals impact your business as you move through the scaling gears?
Because thinking of and improving rituals in your company can impact your growth trajectory
My guest today, on the #fintechscalingshow, Manolo Atala, Co-Founder & CEO, of Fairplay shares simple, but extraordinarily potent rituals which make for big impingements that help build teams, achieve goals and liven up the ‘WORK’ environment.
These rituals are being used to scale Fairplay in Mexico, a revenue-based financing platform that offers e-commerce entrepreneurs support and the freedom to scale through smart financing.
Episode 38: Creating Rituals at Scale brings hidden gems to the forefront of scaling, and outlines why it’s important to LOVE what you do
Key Discussion Points:
- How to create rituals that your company loves
- How to go about embedding & updating rituals continuously
- The connection between rituals & OKRs
- Why talent sourcing is continuous, and the process critical to success
- Scaling your operations through questioning and executing at the same time
Recommended Books:
- The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz
- What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture by Ben Horowitz
- You Are Not So Smart by David McRaney
- Psychedelic Explorers Guide Safe Therapeutic & Sacred Journeys by James Fadiman
“Those tiny rituals could become a really good process in the future if you are consistent.”” - Manolo Atala
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manoloatala/
Website: https://getfairplay.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Are you taking time out to understand the nuances of your industry & customers ?
Because being curious, builds knowledge and leads you down a path less trodden.
My guest today, on the #fintechscalingshow, is Azamat Sultanov, Co-CEO and Co-Founder, of Fortu Wealth. Dives into the world of private banking, and how he created his own path using knowledge and tenacity to get there.
Episode 37: Rev up your growth by breaking the rule book demystifies the private banking world, and outlines how being transparent with customers & employees can help move your startup through the gears.
Key Discussion Topics:
- What it takes to disrupt the norm
- What is the open book policy
- The benefits of equity crowd funding
“Try to challenge what you're doing by asking questions. We went through that deliberately because we wanted to embrace transparency... Because if we are to disrupt the market, we need to take a different approach.” - Azamat Sultanov
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azamatsultanov/
Website: www.fortu.co.uk
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Mar 15, 2021
Episode 36: How to use AI at Scale with Roey Mechrez
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
So what does the future of financial services look like with AI?
In this episode, Roey Mechrez, Co-Founder & CTO of BeyondMinds, takes us on a journey over how he made his vision a reality with the emergence of highly customizable AI to quickly and easily find solutions to the repetitive problems that exist in enterprises.
As we know, financial services has undergone massive changes with the rapid movment towards a digital future. Incorporating artificial intelligence to leverage business processes started to no longer be a question of “Is this possible?” but rather of, “How?” With AI being a competitive advantage, companies are starting to understand that this will soon become the industry standard.
Roey’s shares his insights into how AI is transforming the financial world to be more efficient and customer-centric business are truly unique, as he busts some myths, by explaining their model and walking through real-world use cases.
Part of BeyondMinds process to scale was making sure they are efficiently driven. According to Roey, analyzing what the market actually needs and reaching a product market fit is what enables a company to walk with great cost margins.
Tune into this exemplary episode to hear more of what we can expect from AI and why speed is a critical factor when it comes to scaling.
Key Discussion Topics:
- How to build a win-win solution by partnering with clients
- How to get true enterprise value from AI
- AI Business models to consider
- Aspects to consider s you scale an AI business
Recommended Book:
- Measure What Matters by John E. Doerr
"You want to have an amazing product and amazing offering and value proposition for clients. You need to be agile. You need to move. And adapt to clients' needs." - Roey Mechrez
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roey-mechrez/
Website: www.beyongminds.ai
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
For scaling businesses, time is often biased. Some luck out and experience overnight success and many others have been around for years. The constant changes that are happening in the world can either give your business a boost or make it a part of the past.
In this inspiring conversation, Arturo Gonzalez Mac Dowell, the President, and CEO of Eurobits Technologies shares how he integrates divergent thinking to inspire evolution in a startup. He also takes us through his quest to riding the waves of the different financial crises that inspired some major changes in thinking to help navigate his company through turbulent waters
We go on to discuss how industrializing business processes plays a critical role on your scaleup journey. And by choosing people with the right cultural fit, being consistent with delivering what the customers need through active listening
This is a noteworthy episode, from a visionary leader with over 30 years of experience in the Fintech space
Key Discussion Topics:
- How to choose the right people that fit with the culture of your company
- What makes a great leader in an ever-changing world
- How to build new processes as you change your organization structure
- How to continuously evolve your products and/or services
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
- Beyond Markowitz: A Comprehensive Wealth Allocation Framework for Individual Investors
- Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
- The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz
“You can be an engineer and be creative. So in order to be, to be creative, you have to be open to exploration of uncharted territory, which is what a divergent thinker does by nature” - Arturo Gonzalez
Website: https://tink.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arturo-gonzalez-mac-dowell/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Mar 01, 2021
Episode 34: Building a Platform to Scale with Jordan Lawrence
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Who you know and who knows you are the epitome of a scaling business’ authenticity. But first, your investors, clients, and customers all need to buy into your vision and your capacity to make it happen. So how do you build that powerful platform as a startup?
In an exciting conversation with the Co-Founder and CCO of VOLT.io Jordan Lawrence, we talk about how he has come to build an open payments gateway that connects instant payments to scale merchant organizations across the globe.
To drive business growth, Jordan shares that it is imperative to constantly keep the team spirit alive while making sure your people are continuously brought into your vision. We go on to talk about how, VOLT.io uses a merchant-led growth strategy to carefully cater to the diverse markets they are in and as a way to look to the future. Finally, we touch on how to bring awareness to the market and the specific funnels that keep them at the forefront of the business.
This is a stellar episode with a well-known fintech leader who is scaling strategically by tapping into old and new networks that walk with their clear vision. Through an aggressive business development approach, VOLT.io continues to empower organizations to unlock the next-generation in open payment infrastructure.
Key Discussion Topics:
- How to build and maintain a meaningful network
- What processes and system to prioritize to support growth
- Growth strategies to consider as you scale
- Success measurements, and how they help in decision making
1.Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies by Chris Yeh and Reid Hoffman
2.Billion Dollar Whale: The Man Who Fooled Wall Street, Hollywood, and the World by Bradley Hope and Tom Wright
3.The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael Alan Singer
“Keep the team spirit going right the way through your people. So don't diversify and don't get lazy because you think we're all sitting at home, everyone's working from home. Make sure your team are all continuously bought into your vision and their own vision, and you keep in constant contact with everyone to be a success through these times.” - Jordan Lawrence
Website: www.volt.io
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lawrencejordan/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Episode 33: Building An Engaged Workforce with Peter Stuhr
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
One powerful megatrend that is shaping today’s world is the shift from ownership to access. While shared goods and services may be dateless concepts, it has enabled greater efficiency and has laid the foundation for building trust.
CEO and Founder of LENEO A/S, Peter Stuhr discusses how he continues to change the way our financial ecosystems work by empowering the digital experience for both consumers and bank advisors through access to non traditional products.
Peter talks about the process of building scalable solutions and why nurturing your people builds you a strong foundation in your long journey. Part of the process that gets you a rapid scale up is bringing talented, skillful people and making sure that they are engaged in creating work they are proud to be part of. As LENEO A/S continues to scale, Peter discusses his acquisition strategy toward getting the right partners outside of Denmark.
Key Discussion Points:
- Strategies for making sure your clients are consistently valued even as you scale
- Expansion and growth strategies
- How to build and sustain a highly engaged culture that makes common decisions
- How to create transparent team communication
"Make sure that your people feel that they are part of something that is actually making a difference" - Peter Stuhr
I'm Afraid Debbie From Marketing Has Left for the Day: How to Use Behavioural Design to Create Change in the Real World
by Morten Münster, Helle Harder (Cover), Helen Dyrbye (Translation) - https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/46157312-i-m-afraid-debbie-from-marketing-has-left-for-the-day
Leneo website: https://www.leneo.io/
Peter Stuhr - https://www.linkedin.com/in/peterstuhr/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Part of the slow revolution since the mid-1970s is having access to equities in a fractional and/or zero-commission world. Today, a more efficient market infrastructure is being rebuilt with the philosophy of democratized investment.
In this discussion, Co-founder and CEO of Equisafe Bilal El Alamy redefines how we understand valuable transactions in both investment and management using blockchain technology.
Equisafe reveals that the secret to managing multiple clients is understanding pain points no matter how small. When you are adaptable and are able to take feedback as information rather than criticism, you are ultimately leveraging your customer lifetime value. And in your journey to scaling, the right strategy always starts with cultivating self-awareness.
Key Discussion Points:
- Detailed step-by-step guide of the continuous process to evolve products
- How to setup and optimize your scaling process with clear thinking
- What aspects to consider as you move through the gears of building your team
"What every entrepreneur should do is to basically close the doors. People think that they're supposed to open the doors. You have an infinite possibilities and you're supposed to close doors. So I basically went to people and try to close the doors and see what kind of targeted clients best fit the vision that we had on building the software, delivering what the clients wants and getting more intuition to build the next feature by understanding what they could do next. " - Bilal El Alamy
Website: https://www.equisafe.io/
Books: The Dark Road: A Book of Poetry by David L. Rogers - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37836698-the-dark-road
The Chess Players by Sam Sloan - https://www.amazon.com/Chess-Players-Frances-Parkinson-Keyes/dp/4871874176
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bilal-el-alamy/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bilalelalamy
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
In enhancing services and function, fintech products are continuing to quickly adapt to new technologies. However, as more choices come into play, consumers are also left with decision fatigue eventually creating financial paralysis.
In this conversation, Charlie Richardson, Co-founder and CEO of Lumio discusses how his journey through the customer validation process continues to act as the foundation through which he helps consumers achieve financial independence.
Charlie also continues to discuss the critical steps that need to be undertaken before you scale, including creating a community to continuously drive you forward. And as you scale, deeply understanding the nature of targeting the right customer profile that will help build and validate your value proposition.
Key Discussion Topics:
- How to build a trusting community that harnesses momentum
- How to engage with positive and negative feedback
- A simple, but effective, step-by-step guide on tactics & strategies to scale
- How to balance core business with ‘other’ opportunities
Quote: The most crucially important part is you have to be malleable. You have to be flexible. And if customers are behaving in ways that contradict what you thought or what you assumed, then you have to find out why, and you have to find more, you have to find out more about where those customers are coming from and why it's happening. - Charlie Richardson
- The Fear: Robert Mugabe and the Martyrdom of Zimbabwe - https://www.amazon.com/Fear-Robert-Mugabe-Martyrdom-Zimbabwe/dp/031605187X
- The Deliberate CEO - https://deliberateceo.substack.com
Website: https://www.lumio-app.com/
Charlie Richardson - https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlie-richardson-63827958/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Episode 30: The Secret Power of Leverage with Pablo Viguera
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Leveraging your teams’ skills and your business’ resources in order to open up new horizons is strategic and central if you want your startup to succeed.
Leveraging, simply put, is having the power to get more, ultimately leading to an endpoint, quicker.
In today’s episode, Pablo Viguera, Co-founder and Co-CEO, of Belvo talks through his journey, and how he built the team and support system to help him explode forward; paving a way for other FinTech innovators in Latin America to access and interpret banking and financial data of their end-users.
We go on to discuss other factors that contribute to Belvo’s success, including the dynamics that make up a high-performing team and the operating rhythm set up to make certain everyone’s in-tune & heading towards a collective goal
Key Discussion Topics:
- How to leverage systems and teams as you scale
- How to empower your whole team to rise and build your business’ vision
- What to look out for during talent acquisition
- The benefits of a support ecosystem
If it doesn't work or if it fails and then try something else. Talking to people that have been there, done that, domain experts, and surrounding yourself with those resources, from there you can leverage. - Pablo Viguera
Website: https://belvo.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/belvofinance
Pablo Viguera: https://www.linkedin.com/in/viguerapablo/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
The working environment that you establish right at the beginning of your business poses a huge impact on your people and how they work.
In this podcast, we explore the ways in which we can cultivate a network made up of 'top talent', the proper environment, and principled mindsets right off the bat leading to success.
Andra Sonea, renowned FinTech guru discusses the common mistakes that can stop business growth and why sorting out your company's operating rhythm is a tipping point in the startup life cycle.
In the world of scaling businesses filled with a diverse set of people, we explore how to approach healthy conflicts and how it can set you up for success. Is it simply about bringing in top talent?
Hear her thoughts on why fostering a culture of interest through the continuous building of teams, transparency and awareness should be part of your playbook
Key Discussion Topics
- Why breaking downscaling into systemize steps helps achieve goals
- What aspects to consider as you grow and get into a rhythm
- Why motivation and “scaling environment” play a huge role in what your team delivers
- How to put in a culture of interest & continuous learning that fuels happy teams, and happy clients
Website: https://fintechos.com/
Scale by Geoffrey West - https://www.audible.com/pd/Scale-Audiobook/B071YNRQ9V?source_code=GO1DH13310082090OZ&ds_rl=1262685&ds_rl=1263561&ds_rl=1260658&gclid=CjwKCAiAl4WABhAJEiwATUnEF9yNY7bx1NNATY1HByxJ8sGL8c8Y61ZEjNTbbdBzwEOEiXTLO1ZdKxoCJyEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Andra Sonea- https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrasonea/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Episode 28: Let Your Customers Catapult you Forward with Andrew Anastasiou
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Here's what we talk about:
As newer companies come into the market it’s important to think about providing a better service/product to your customers while staying on top of your competitors. By focusing on your customers you can achieve greater results - not only in scaling but also in improving your company in the long run.
In this episode we invited Andrew Anastasiou, the co-founder of LegionPay, to share some of his philosophies when it comes to creating trusted relationships with customers, and how this can be the catalyst for growing your startup.
We go on and talk about focusing on your niche, research and development, and how to create a healthy and productive environment for your company and employees to thrive.
It’s a jam-packed episode full of useful tips from a successful fintech entrepreneur & leader
Key Discussion Topics
- Why a customer-centric mission will help drive growth
- The value of customer data & feedback
- Different strategies to market-entry
- Vision. Communication. Iterate strategy to keep moving forward
LegionPay website - https://www.legion-pay.com/
LegionPay on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/legionpay/
Rich Dad Poor Dad - https://www.amazon.com/Rich-Dad-Poor-Teach-Middle/dp/1543626610
The Psychology of Selling - https://www.amazon.com/Psychology-Selling-Increase-Thought-Possible/dp/0785288066
Andrew Anastasiou - https://cy.linkedin.com/in/andrewanastasioucy
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Jan 11, 2021
Episode 27: How to Find, and keep, Your True North with Søren Nielsen
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Here's what we talk about:
Right now, if you look back at the fundamentals of consumers over the years, the underlying requirements haven’t shifted
It’s still all about managing, protecting and growing their money. What has changed, however, is how these needs are met
Our guest today, Søren Nielsen, the Chief Commercial Officer of Subaio shares with us how tech is helping consumers better manage their subscriptions
Soren moves on to talk about the approach used to develop a leading-edge product in this space, with the mantra of build, measure, learn.
He goes on to highlight how to find, and keep, your true north. Going into some detail about the process used to point his troops in the right direction
Join us in this insightful episode with a seasoned entrepreneur and executive in the FinTech industry.
Key Discussion Topics:
- Why understanding consumer pain points is key
- How to embed a mantra of build, measure, learn
- How to find, and keep, your true north
- Why saying NO has helps keep you on track
Subaio’s Website: https://subaio.com/
Start with Why by Simon Sinek: https://simonsinek.com/product/start-with-why/
The Innovator's Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change the Way You Do Business:https://www.amazon.com/Innovators-Dilemma-Revolutionary-Change-Business/dp/0062060244
Søren Nielsen: https://www.linkedin.com/in/s%C3%B8ren-nielsen-7134a35/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Jan 04, 2021
Episode 26: Building Bridges to Scaleup Across Europe with Yorick Naeff
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Here's what we talk about:
As a very fragmented region, Europe has curtailed the expansion of many local business players. Different rules, regulations, and paying systems have been a headache for some companies.
In our episode for today, Yorick Naeff, the COO of Bux, shares with us why they labeled their company as a FinTech company and not just a tech company. He also gives tips on how they were able to scale up their business in 9 countries across Europe and the challenges that they faced throughout the process.
Furthermore, Yorick gives his insights on how to manage a growing team, how to keep the company's vibe alive despite the distance, and how to improve oneself as a leader.
Learn straight from Yorick, an inspirational leader who’s been helping new generations do more with their money since 2014.
Key Discussion Topics
- Strategies to consider when expanding across European countries
- How local expertise helps accelerate business growth & region integration
- Methods used to build products that are scalable across Europe
- Insights on where and how to scale up a talented & diverse team in Europe
Bux’s Website: https://getbux.com/
Bux Zero: https://getbux.com/bux-zero/
Lean Startup by Eric Ries: http://theleanstartup.com/book
Yorick Naeff: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yoricknaeff/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co