
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Guest: Hans Bunes, co-founder of Bunes & Ferenczi. For 25 years Hans has worked for Fortune 50 companies, and as self-driven entrepreneur, to drive marketing initiatives.
Burnes & Ferenczi specializes in smarter and faster ways for B2B Tech companies to acquire new customers. They help companies create their Ideal Customer Profiles and Build a Serviceable Addressable Market based on the ideal customers and audit and recommend data/analytics tools for sales and marketing to support the acquisition of customers.
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Identifying and Nailing your Core Customer’s Values
Perhaps the biggest mistake that many founders and CEOs struggle with is intimately knowing who buys their company’s products. In this show, Richard discusses with Hans how finding the right core customer could be the biggest single difference a businessperson makes to their organisation. They discuss how once you nail your core customers values it can result in doubling your business in sometimes less than a year. However, understanding the customers, and who they are is not easy and
most often requires a thoughtful analysis to identify them.
HOST: In addition to being the host of the internationally popular Fintech Scaling show, Richard Doherty is the founder and CEO of Scale Up Consulting, A consulting business that helps scale Fintech companies to attain stellar profits with their Key to Profits System.
Top 3 Insight Bombs:
1) How to be on top of triggering events that are vital to success
2) How to focus in on the top 10% of your list to result in greater sales
3) How customer data needs to play an active role in guiding your company’s decisions
E-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hansbunes
Guest Website https://www.bunesferenczi.com/
Scale your company faster and better now
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Guest: Wayne Zwiers, CEO of Basalt Technologies. Wayne was voted into the Top 50 Most Influential Business Leaders in Tech 2021.
Basalt is a global Fintech studio focusing on designing and developing digital banking and insurance solutions for the future. They partner with clients as "one team" to build new products and processes using an ever-changing and improving tech-stack that utilizes modern architectures (such as domain-driven design, micro-services patterns) and cloud computing.
Listen on Apple Podcasts
How to navigate the Business Landscape of South Africa for Success
With 1.3 billion people, Africa offers a “goldmine” for commerce. However, the route into this potential paradise is through South Africa and existing there are a few uncharted courses and landmines that could throw you off course. This broadcast includes one of the more predominant entrepreneurs and businesspeople in SA, Wayne Zwiers. Wayne dives into the do and don’t of trying to break into the South African marketplace, including the must-know cultural nuances that will make your inroads successful or not.
HOST: In addition to being the host of the internationally popular Fintech Scaling show, Richard Doherty is the founder and CEO of Scale Up Consulting, A consulting business that helps scale Fintech companies to attain stellar profits with their Key to Profits System.
Top 3 Insight Bombs:
1) South African cultural nuances you must know about before you go
2) Why having or displaying local expertise is important in South Africa
3) Three business setup tips that could be the difference between success and failure
E-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wayne-zwiers
Guest Website https://www.basalt.co/
Scale your company faster and better now
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Guest: Stephane Malrait. Stephane leads Market Structure & Innovation activities for Financial Markets at ING and also has external partnership and development relationships with Fintech companies.,
ING is a global bank with a strong European base of more than 57,000 employees that serve around 38 million customers, corporate clients and financial institutions in over 40 countries. Their purpose is to empower people to stay a step ahead in life and in business.
Digital Marketing has Disrupted the Market, now what?
The past two years of the pandemic have fast-tracked digital behaviors. People don’t interact with their banks like they used to. Customers have flocked to digital banking the world over and this is just the beginning. Big institutions are often the last to navigate big changes in the marketplace. But the big banks that aren’t keeping up today may soon be dinosaurs of tomorrow. What to do to stay ahead of the digital curve? What not to do? Please tune in and find out with our guest, Stephane Malrait.
HOST: In addition to being the host of the internationally popular Fintech Scaling show, Richard Doherty is the founder and CEO of Scale Up Consulting, A consulting business that helps scale Fintech companies to attain stellar profits with their Key to Profits System.
Top 3 Insight Bombs:
1) Why finance leaders should change their mindset from “success first” to “learning first”
2) How ING created an Innovative culture that formed a closer, more intimate relationship with their customers, and you can do the same
3) How customer needs must be understood and acted on as the catalyst for wholesale improvement
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: linkedin.com/in/smalrait
Scale your company faster and better now
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Guest: Zahra Alubudi, Co-founder at Levenue. A company that provides capital allocators with an opportunity to diversify their portfolio, while enabling SaaS businesses to scale faster and solve financing issues once and for all.
Listen on Apple Podcasts
The Magic Bullet to Grow your Business
We have been programed to look outside of ourselves for solutions. But after 20 years in business, Zahra has come to realize that we are looking in the wrong direction. The scaling of your business starts and ends with the founders/CEOs/executives. People that run the show must hone their mindset and attitude while increasing their knowledge. But how is this achieved? Tune in and discover for yourself!
HOST: In addition to being the host of the internationally popular Fintech Scaling show, Richard Doherty is the founder and CEO of Scale Up Consulting, A consulting business that helps scale Fintech companies to attain stellar profits with their Key to Profits System.
Top 3 Insight Bombs:
- Why adaptability is key for a leader and how to stay fresh and current
- How to assure that you and your business constantly grow to achieve the ideal
- Why change is the only constant and how to use the laws of change for the better
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile:https://www.linkedin.com/in/zahra-alubudi/
Guest Website: https://www.levenue.com/
Scale your company faster and better now
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Guest: Jose Graca, CEO of Bizmoni. 2022 Winner of the Most Inspiring CEO Award and Gold Medal Fintech Award.
Bizmoni connects and trains aspiring founders on how to build a business in 2 years through a detailed curriculum based on actions of proven successful businesses.
Listen on Apple Podcasts
A Look into Entrepreneurial Success
Roughly 82% of online startups fail within the first five years of business. The pitfalls are many. But there are those who succeed. A lot can be learned from those inspirational entrepreneurs that have walked the walk and came through the other side. In this episode, we talk about some of those people with the guts and determination to start their own business, and how they succeeded. This is a look into and celebration of the achievements of entrepreneurs pursuing their dreams.
HOST: In addition to being the host of the internationally popular Fintech Scaling show, Richard Doherty is the founder and CEO of Scale Up Consulting, A consulting business that helps scale Fintech companies to attain stellar profits with their Key to Profits System.
Top 3 Insight Bombs:
- 3 Secrets that every startup and slow growing business needs to know for sustained expansion
- The #1 marketing proceedure that can make the difference between success and failure
- How and why all your business plans must lead with marketing knowhow and expertise
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josegraca/
Guest Website: bizmoni.com
Other Social Media Account: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bizmoni/
Scale your company faster and better now
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Marketing to businesses and people
Scaling and marketing a fintech company can be a harrowing experience. Stormy weather and grim forecasts are always on the horizon. Knowing how to navigate around and through these dangers is a must for success. And that’s just if you market either to end-users or businesses. But what if you market to both? Today an increasing number of fintech businesses sell to both businesses and end-users. This week Richard discusses with his guest the pitfalls and adventures of marketing to both B2B and B2C. What to do. What not to do.
Guest: Christophe Martins, co-founder and General Manager of DeliverMe.City.
DeliverMe.City is the only green delivery service solution operated with 100% digital, zero paper, and their means of transport 100% electric, zero-emission.
HOST: In addition to being the host of the internationally popular Fintech Scaling show, Richard Doherty is the founder and CEO of Scale Up Consulting, A consulting business that helps scale Fintech companies to attain stellar profits with their Key to Profits System.
Top 3 Insight Bombs:
1) How to develop and tailor an effective sales strategy (with marketing message) to the right public.
2) How to focus in on your public and constantly “stay in their face.” (Translated: keep communicating to them and them interested in you and your services/products.)
3) The best way to approach the brand question for your fintech business so that you can stand out from the rest.
Episode Resources
E-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: Download for free at https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christophemartins/
Guest Website: https://www.deliverme.city/?lang=en
Scale your company faster and better now
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Guests: Mitchell Posada, Managing Partner, Founder Advisors, and Roger Toennis, Managing Partner, Founder Advisors.
Founder Advisors is an exclusive global team of seasoned startup entrepreneurs and corporate executives, who together provide the highest quality timely advisory services enabling founders and their teams to reach their full potential.
Listen on Apple Podcasts
The Fintech Explosion
In the last five years the fintech industry has exploded with roughly twice as many people using some form of fintech today than in 2017. (From 31% users to 60% today) This means the fintech industry is changing at breakneck speed. With this myriad of challenges continuously evolving as a founder or leader of a fintech company you are undoubtedly facing challenges. Here are a few of the subjects covered in the show, to help you navigate your Everest.
- Organisational design
- Audience Engagement
- New product development
- Data security and privacy
- Financial regulatory compliance
- Integration of emerging technologies
HOST: In addition to being the host of the internationally popular Fintech Scaling show, Richard Doherty is the founder and CEO of Scale Up Consulting, A consulting business that helps scale Fintech companies to attain stellar profits with their Key to Profits System.
Top 3 Insight Bombs:
1) How to develop new products while at the same time maintaining a high degree of quality service with your existing customers.
2) Emerging technologies, what to pay attention to, what can lead you down a wrong path. How to always stay ahead of the curve.
3) How to achieve audience engagement with your fintech business, even if the subject matter of your business may seem dry or uninteresting to the average potential customer.
Episode Resources
E-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: Download for free at https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guests' Profiles:
Mitchell Posada: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mposada/
Roger Toennis: www.linkedin.com/in/rogertoennis
Guest Website: www.FounderAdvisors.tech
Scale your company faster and better now
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
The Metaverse
The internet has changed the world. Technology is moving at light speed and another internet storm is on the horizon. It’s the Metaverse. Those at the forefront of the Metaverse growth are the frontiersmen of tomorrow. You don’t want to be left on the ground when the Metaverse takes full flight. Learn all about what’s coming with this week’s special guest.
GUEST: Aragorn Meulendijks is the CMO at BeemUp and Your Open Metaverse.
HOST: In addition to being the host of the internationally popular Fintech Scaling show, Richard Doherty is the founder and CEO of Scale Up Consulting, A consulting business that helps scale Fintech companies to attain stellar profits with their Key to Profits System.
Top 3 Insight Bombs:
1) How and why the Metaverse is predicted to be a 800 billion dollar market in 2024 and the opportunities they can bring your fintech business.
2) What exactly is the Metaverse and what you need to know to prepare your business for it.
3) How to be an early adopter and capitalize on the changes in e-commerce the Metaverse will bring so as to spot financial opportunities.
In the 80s people laughed at the concept of the Internet. Many of those that didn’t were ahead of the curve and enjoyed a subsequent windfall of business. The Metaverse is the Internet 2.0, don’t be the one left laughing! Join us for this important podcast.
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aragornmeulendijks/
Guest Website: yom.community
Other Social Media Account: Twitter: @MrMet4verse and @Yometaverse TikTok: Your Open Metaverse
Scale your company faster and better now
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
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Technology has made the world smaller. Today anyone can communicate to any other person on the planet within milliseconds. This can be a godsend for business growth, not only in reaching global customers, but building a distributed team that can benefit your company and the world in many ways.
GUEST: Alexander Hubel, Chief Strategy Officer and co-owner of Automation & AI focused startup, Turbotic. Alex’s accountabilities include strategy, business development, strategic partnerships and global expansion.
HOST: In addition to being the host of the internationally popular Fintech Scaling show, Richard Doherty is the founder and CEO of Scale Up Consulting, A consulting business that helps scale Fintech companies to attain stellar profits with their Key to Profits System.
Top 3 Insight Bombs:
- How having a Global Mindset can bring about growth, and not having one in today’s world might be like building bars around your business.
- How to gather a Distributed Team to garner community spirit and goodwill for your company.
- The key actions to building a thriving distributed ecosystem that can raise the value of your business in the global community.
Today’s successful business giants incorporate a distributed team. No matter the size of your business, you can, and should do the same. Join in on the success and fun by building a distributed team.
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile:https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-h%C3%BCbel-17176b22
Guest Website: https://www.turbotic.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to scale your company faster and better? Get in touch with Richard to see how he may help: richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
GUEST: Carl Versella is the Leader of Capital Markets & Management Consulting practice, Convergence, Inc
Convergence provides clients with proprietary “Data as a Service” solutions by identifying, collecting, normalizing, structuring, and enriching raw and unstructured data into meaningful business insights. These help clients grow revenue, improve efficiency, and identify and manage risks.
HOST: In addition to being the host of the internationally popular Fintech Scaling show, Richard is the founder and CEO of Scale Up Consulting, A consulting business that helps scale Fintech companies attain stellar profits with their Key to Profits System.
Top 3 Insight Bombs:
1) The superior mindset a company and leaders need to develop that will get them through the roughest of times.
2) How to create a company culture that will result in win/win/win outcomes for management, employees, and customers.
3) Why fintech companies fail—what is the “miracle drug” that can not only save them but propel them into a prosperous future.
You can have the best technology, the brightest minds, the most investment capital, but if you and your employees don’t have the right mental makeup your chances of success diminish by leaps and bounds. Carl and I discuss the mindset that every successful company must adopt to make it in today’s business world.
Episode Resources
E-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/versella/
Guest Website: https://convergenceinc.com/
Want to scale your company faster and better? Get in touch with Richard to see how he may help: richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday May 23, 2022
Episode 115: Investing in Communities with David Wagstaff
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
Building a community, an ecosystem of connectivness is good for business
As business leaders, when we are able to reinvest into our communities and the people in them that we serve, wonderful things happen.
In decades past, advertising used to be the predominant form of businesses communicating with and attracting a large number of customers.
While still crucial, today, advertising has taken a backseat to the attention a business or brand can receive by connecting the dots in their ecosystem.
That care and inclusiveness, can provide leaders with the data required to lead movements, have an impact, and transform not only their community but society.
The age old saying of together is better, springs to mind
So, join me today on the #fintechscalingshow, with David Wagstaff, founder, of Eprenz.com. where we discuss why investing in a community as part of the scaling process pays forward dividends
Episode Highlights:
Secrets to create a bustling and value driven community
Critical factors to consider as you build your community
Inside track on how to leverage influences for growth
and much more
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dwagstaff/
Guest Website: https://www.linkedin.com/company/entrepreneursnet/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday May 16, 2022
Episode 114 No Platform. No Scale with David Carmell
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐆𝐮𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐆𝐮𝐲 ?
Recently, J.P. Morgan listed #fintech as an enormous competitive threat to banks
Fintech’s such as Revolut, Stripe, Robinhood and PayPal have seen high growth and success in recent years.
And this has fuelled the IPO market across the spectrum
With companies in insuretech, consumertech, card networks, remittance, POS and online payments all making the leap.
Fintech’s ability to..
- Merge social media
- Use data smartly, and
- Integrate with other platforms rapidly
Is helping them win significant market share
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐆𝐮𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐆𝐮𝐲
So, in today's episode of the #fintechscalingshow
David Carmell, Founder & CEO, of DealRockit and I talk about...
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒎.
Episode Highlights:
- How to build an inclusive & accessible financial system
- How platforms can help you connect and grow
- Why ecosystem building is fundamental to gaining the new breed of customers
- How connecting the dots leads to partnership growth
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://nl.linkedin.com/in/hansosnabrugge
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidcarmell/
Guest Website: https://www.dealrockit.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday May 13, 2022
Episode 113: No Data, No Scale with Yves Mulkers
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
Why is data critical?
For most businesses, data is at the core of all operations and processes.
Therefore, data must be efficient, secure, timely, and accurate.
And I believe in this simple mantra: no data, no scale.
But not all data is created equal.
So look for the most useful – and most cost effective – data you can, at each phase of growth.
The fact is: data is critical to scale.
There’s really no path without it.
And this is a subject we dive into today on the #fintechscalingshow, with Yves Mulkers, founder, of 7WData.
Episode Highlights:
- Why a data savvy team is vital to scale
- How data helps you focus
- Why leaders should have a data-first strategy
- 3 frameworks to use to extract the most out of your data
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://be.linkedin.com/in/yves-mulkers
Guest Website: https://7wdata.be/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday May 09, 2022
Episode 112: Social Impact through Fintech with Hans Osnabrugge
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
"Projects have the power to make a better world
To create new jobs, advance diversity, equality and inclusion
Every day, projects help the world take one more step toward a more inclusive society
But such change doesn’t happen by chance.
To truly make a difference, you must examine the social impact of your projects from the start.
Only then, with meticulous planning, can companies deliver projects that generate benefits across the enterprise—and the world at large."
That's how I started this episode of the #fintechscalingshow, with Hans Osnabrugge, Founder & CEO, of Talk360. Where we jumped into the topic of social impact and how your fintech can make a difference.
Join us we dive into talk through what really matters in life, and how this can be translated to business, growth and inclusive profitability
Episode Highlights:
- Why leaders should think about social impact for their projects
- How to turn talk into action
- Why you should be considered in your approach to opportunities
- How to make an impact on your community
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://nl.linkedin.com/in/hansosnabrugge
Guest Website:https://www.talk360.com
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday May 02, 2022
Episode 111: Leadership in the Age of Connectiveness with Joe Yazbeck
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
The financial services sector is facing widespread upheaval as a result of the transformative power of FinTech
With existing business models and traditional job roles increasingly under threat from disruptive start-ups.
The Big Guys have Noticed the Small Guys
But as the new tech comes in
So to does the search for new C-Suite of talent hot up
Talent that embraces new leadership styles and disruptive tech
Financial Services Firms Need:
1) Leaders with the vision to deliver effective solutions to new business challenges.
2) A range of C-suite skills and backgrounds to prepare for the disruption ahead, and beyond
3) Leaders who drive disruption, ferment new cultures and can connect, positively, with the outside world
4) Leaders who care about their team, their clients and how society can better access all the new tools there is on offer
In today's episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Joe Yazbeck, CEO & President, of Prestige Leadership Advisors and I talk about how to leaders in the age of connectiveness
Join us us we unravel what it takes to be a better leader today
Episode Highlights:
- Why inspiring & motivating others is the catalyst to prosperity
- How freedom of expression should be embraced
- Why vision is vital but action is what matters
- What you should be doing to be more connected
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile:https://www.linkedin.com/in/joeyazbeck/
Guest Website: www.nofearspeaking.com
Other Social Media Accounts:
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
Business will always test you.
It might be the loss of an account, conflict with others, or much smaller issues that can ruin your confidence and chip away at your self-esteem.
So what’s this about mental toughness?
And how can we get more of it?
In today's episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Janthana Kaenprakhamroy, founder & CEO, of Tapoly talk about how to stay mentally strong as you build and scale your business
Join us us we dive into how mental toughness can improve the quality of performance
And how this translates to victory on the tennis court, football pitch and entrepreneurial playing field
The mentally tough are indeed at a huge advantage.
That grit helps them persevere to overcome challenges that would lead most to throw in the towel for good.
Episode Highlights:
- The benefits of being agile and not rigid according to a plan
- How to stay present in your communication, at all times
- How to put into action what matters and get your team to follow
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tapoly/
Guest Website: https://www.tapoly.com/
Other Social Media Account: https://twitter.com/TapolyUK
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
Starting a new business is not at all like working in a large company.
Yes, experience is a great teacher but old habits and mindsets can be difficult to overcome.
How do you switch from having an employee mindset to having an entrepreneurial mindset?
Do you need to gain years of experience in your chosen field before taking a leap and launching your startup?
Or is your determination, passion, and courage enough to help you succeed in business?
I ask all these because, in this episode of the Fintechscaling show, I sat down with George Kushner, CEO of H2cryptO, and we discussed why corporate experience is not a necessity as a founder.
In this enlightening episode, learn the power of personal branding and communication on your startup success, and how these skills can help move your company further than corporate experience.
Episode Highlights:
- How to shift your mindset from corporate employee to founder
- The vital attributes you can leverage from your corporate career
- Why your personal brand is essential
- How communication helps you lead your community
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/george-kushner/
Guest Website: www.H2cryptO.io
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Apr 11, 2022
Episode 108: Manage Talent in a Networked Age with Rebecca Hastings
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
Imagine it's your first day in your new job.
You’re excited, to meet the team and get started.
Your new manager greets you and welcomes you to the team.
Then you go off to complete all the HR stuff.
In your onboarding, almost without expression, HR tells you that you’re now in a 90-day probation period.
You take it on the chin, as you’ve heard this before
But deep down you’re stress levels have gone up.
You think “F*ck… I got to make this work!”
Well, my friends, you’ve just experienced the fundamental disconnect of modern-day employment.
In today's episode of the Fintechscaling show, Rebecca Hastings, founder of Lucent Group, and I talk about how to manage talent in a networked age. We discuss attracting and keeping talent and improving relationships with them to increase employee retention and loyalty.
Find out practical ways and strategies that business owners can employ in order to find ideal candidates that match their requirements.
Episode Highlights:
- How to build a new employer-employee relationship
- What strategies should you be using to find talent
- How communities and alumni networks help facilitate your talent search
Episode Resources
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hastingsrebecca/
Guest Website: https://www.thelucentgroup.co.uk/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
In the past two years during a global pandemic, it has become clearer than ever that the health of the workforce is directly linked to better business results.
Once companies started prioritizing the health and well-being of employees, business outcomes started soaring.
The link between health and performance is not unknown to most businesses.
However, most business owners still fail to take advantage of the productivity and profitability benefits of having a healthy and fit workforce.
In today's episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Rick Dupree, CEO & Founder of Riskliance, and I talk about how the productivity of yourself and your workforce can be uplifted through investing in your health & fitness.
We also discuss the many ways employers can help usher in productivity and prosperity through conscious efforts in prioritizing mind and body health.
Episode highlights:
- How to lead by example How to hire digitally
- Why it's important to clear your mind during the workday
- How to build initiatives that go beyond the 9-5
- Why community and relationships are vital to productivity
Episode Resources
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richarddupree/
Guest Website: https://riskliance.com
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
What does being financially literate mean?
It is having the knowledge and confidence to efficiently and effectively manage, save, and invest money for you and your family.
And this can include everything from getting out of debt to budgeting to investing in insurance, real estate, and college to paying taxes to retirement and estate planning.
We all have different levels of financial literacy and lack of knowledge often leads us down an unclear path to get the know-how.
In general, we don't just login to our high street account to get an understanding of crypto.
But what if we could?
Welcome to today's podcast where I sat down and had a brilliant conversation with Meredith Odgers, Founder of BambooWorx, regarding why embedding education as a service in your fintech is vital.
Join us as we look at both the B2B and B2C opportunities when it comes to financial literacy.
Find out, amongst other things, what the likes of GoHenry, Coinbase, and SwissBorg, Murex are doing to educate their customers (and users) and how this same approach can be taken into the high street.
In this insightful episode, we also touch on why B2B providers should invest in their know-how (IP) in parallel to building their product.
Episode Highlights:
- What exceptional customer service looks like now
- How to accelerate customer adoption
- Why taking the responsibility for financial literacy should be part of your purpose
Episode Resources
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meredith-odgers/
Guest Website: https://www.bambooworx.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Mar 21, 2022
Episode 105: Steps to Become Healthier & Fitter As You Scale with Jon Sharpe
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
A quick search for "best diet" brings 3.5 million results on YouTube and 447,000 results on Google.
There are thousands of diet options out there, yet there is no one-size-fits-all approach that can support each individual's lifestyle goals.
I highlight these points as in today's episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Jon Sharpe, Founder of Mind & Body Mentor, and I talk about how a change in your habits to boost your health can help you unlock hidden benefits in life & business.
Furthermore, we discuss how a healthy mind and body can elevate your bottom line performance.
Find out, amongst other things, why behavioral changes are fundamental in taking control of your health and fitness.
In this insightful episode, discover the three easy steps that you can start now to make way for a better and more productive you.
Episode Highlights:
- How to change your health habits daily
- Tips to get more energy through behavior changes
- The correlation between performance and nutrition
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mindandbodymentor/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Episode 104: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones with Jim Valko
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
How do you find and take advantage of profit zones in your business?
What sales strategies are effective, and how do you remove the stigma associated with selling?
How can finding and keeping the right talent contribute to a productive and successful business?
I ask these questions as in today's episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Jim Valko, CEO of Story World Marketing, and I talk about how to unlock hidden profits in your business.
Find out, amongst other things, why communication is a vital technique to continuously hone, and one that can help your business generate significant income.
In this insightful episode, I also share my views on how to create a purpose and turn it into action as it is the key to navigating complex, ambiguous, and volatile roads in entrepreneurship.
Finally, discover how talent acquisition plays a vital role in the entire business development process and why building the right team, honing their skills, and establishing connection to others are key ingredients to your success.
Episode Highlights:
- What is Care Sell
- How to generate talent demand in 2022
- How to become the best striker (i.e. exec)
- Why purpose is not only a boardroom exercise
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Mar 07, 2022
Episode 103: How to Get the Best Out of Your Business with Kimmo Rytkönen
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
Growing a business is never without the accompanying growing pains.
Adjusting to the changing demands of a bigger team or greater deliverables that come with scaling up always entails sacrifices and compromises.
If you are in the process of growing one or a number of businesses, what sacrifice have you had to make as you grow your businesses?
Did you seek help in the early stage of building your business?
What are the realities of running a business and turning it to scale?
I ask these questions as in today's episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Kimmo Rytköne, founder of Income Marketplace, and I talk about how to get the best out of your business as you grow through the different stages of the process.
In this insightful episode, Kimmo shares his views on the importance of living the life you want while striving towards your end goal.
Discover unique and interesting techniques to effectively and enjoyably move through the different stages of growing a business without neglecting your life.
Episode Highlights:
- Why having “crazy” belief in yourself is an essential ingredient
- The key to smart scaling
- How to move through the build, traction and scale phase
- How you can leverage text messaging to get closer to your customers
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimmo-rytkonen/#experience
Guest Website: https://getincome.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Feb 28, 2022
Episode 102: The Building Blocks with Chirag Jetani
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
How do you set a new business up for success? How do you survive the challenges of starting up and growing your team? Do you have foundations in place early on to help prepare your business for scaling up?
I ask these questions as in today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Chirag Jetani, founder and COO of Diamante Blockchain, and I talk about how building a good foundation at the early stage of your business can hold you in good stead as you scale up.
We also discuss the importance of understanding your customers’ pain points and how it can help drive your business to growth and expansion.
In this episode, you will also learn why trying to scale too quickly might harm your business. Discover how to best connect with your internal and external customers, allowing you to take actions that will move you closer towards your goals.
Episode Highlights:
- Why purpose and pain points are critical to your success
- How to hire digitally
- How to maintain a global team with members from different locations
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chirag-jetani-8a7224101/
Guest Website: https://diamanteblockchain.com/
Other Social Media Account: https://www.linkedin.com/company/diamante-blockchain/mycompany/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Feb 21, 2022
Episode 101: The Essential Ingredients with Chad Jardine
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
As many business owners shift to becoming a digital enterprise, it becomes more and more challenging to get noticed..
Let alone stand out, in cyberspace
If you have just launched your business online or are a few years into the journey...
How do you compete with the big players that have already established their digital presence?
How do you make your brand stand out to your public?
I ask these questions as in today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Chad Jardine, CEO of CMO Zen, and I talk about how your brand plays a significant role in the direction of your business, and how it impacts your profits.
In this episode, we discuss how you can transform an idea into a viable product or service and cultivate it to further boost profits in your business.
Episode Highlights:
- Why founder-led selling at the initial phase helps you control your business as you build
- How your personal brand impacts your growth and profits
- Why continuing the learning journey is essential as an entrepreneur
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chadjardine/
Guest Website: cmozen.com
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/