
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Episode 100: Why Focus is Essential with David Carmell
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
Have you ever been in a situation where a major multi-national recognised your platform as “the one” that could make a significant difference?
What would you do?
How do you think you would address their needs, problems, and concerns?
I ask as in today's episode of the #fintechscalingshow, David Carmell, founder of DealRockit, and I talk about the importance of focusing on your customers in growing your business. Whether you’re starting or expanding, learn why solving customers’ problems is vital to your business’ success.
In this episode, David shares what happened the day Wells Fargo came knocking on his door and with it an opportunity to expand if the platform could scale.
Find out how innovation and disruption can help founders and executives handle effective customer acquisition and retention.nd disruption can help founders and executives handle effective customer acquisition and retention.
Episode Highlights:
- What MVP is and how important it is in business operations
- Why solving problems is a route to success
- Why platforms scale
- How to stay cool and focused when acquiring 3 million customers
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidcarmell/
Guest Website: https://www.dealrockit.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
Are you ready to scale your business this year? Do you know what strategies in the past year can you still take advantage of and which ones are not effective anymore? In 2022, what opportunities are vital to the growth and success of your business?
I ask these questions as in today's episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Yorick Naeff, CEO of BUX, and I talk about significant trends that have happened in the last 12 months and the potential opportunities we are seeing this year.
In this episode, Yorick shares his views on how financial services are moving towards a more connected ecosystem, and how they are expected to pan out in 2022. We also discuss specific areas of businesses that, once unlocked, can be vital to the advancement of your organization in the coming months and years.
Discover unique and interesting information about trends, strategies, and processes for business development that have been working out and which ones have started to shift to a different direction. More importantly, learn about opportunities to look out for in 2022.
Episode Highlights:
- Why it’s important to develop internal talent if you wish to scale successfully
- Tips on structuring your team in 2022
- What Yorick's excited about in 2022
- Acquisitions: What’s happening now?
Episode Resources
e-book: Unlock Hidden Profit Zones: https://www.scaleupconsulting.co.uk/sign-up/
Scaleup Diagnostic: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/#single/0
Guest Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yoricknaeff/#experience
Guest Website: https://getbux.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
Are you reflecting consistently, and taking action?
Should you take the worlds viewpoint as you look at ways to improve?
I ask as in today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Yann Barbarroux, Co-founder and CEO of OTONOMI, and I talk about deep reflection and how this plays a critical role in helping you achieve, as a founder or executive
Learn why being the best internally and concentrating on yourself might open you up to a Blackberry moment down the line
Discover why disruption and innovation only works if your purpose is strong, and the customer pain point you're solving is real
Episode Highlights:
- Why reflection is critical
- Why you must take in outside views as part of your expansion goals
- How passion plays a part in making you as great leader
Quotes: Make sure that you can reflect with humility - Yann Barbarroux
LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yannbarbarroux/
Website: https://www.otonomi.ai/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Episode 97: Why Being Connected Will Help you Expand with Dave Burns
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
In today’s digital age, how do you leverage your online skills to help your business grow and thrive? How do you integrate different functions within your organization to ensure that everything is moving towards a common goal?
I ask as in today's episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Dave Burns, Expert Sales Leader, and I talk about winning strategies you can implement when you’re building your sales function. We discuss the importance of internal and external connections that will help your startup prosper for years to come.
Discover the key components necessary to enable various functions in your organization, including PR, Marketing, Sales and Customer Success, to work cohesively and effectively as you scale your business.
Episode Highlights:
- Why developing your digital skills, including Zoom, LinkedIn, and Metaverse among others, is vital to your business’ growth
- The five factors that make a winning business development function
- How acquiring and analyzing your weekly stats will allow you to work on the business, not in it
“ Focus is on that improved collaboration” - Dave Burns
LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrobertburns/
Website: www.accenture.com
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Episode 96: How to Use DAO’s as a Secret Weapon with Casey Olsen
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
Is your organization capable of gearing up for a radical transformation to remove the need for constant restructuring as you expand? How do you take advantage of the opportunities present in the metaverse?
I ask as in today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Casey Olsen, founder and CEO of Skeleton, and I talk about the Decentralized Autonomous Organization and how you, as a founder, can leverage these assets to avoid the traditional scaling problems.
Learn how doing business in a virtual setting can effectively break down physical and economic barriers that will enable your brand to flourish and your organization to expand.
Discover how web 3.0, crowdsourcing, and freelancing all play a role in decentralizing your business, and at the same time allowing you to grow the way your users want you to grow.
Episode Highlights:
⦁ How to skip past the war on talent
⦁ How to leverage web 3.0 and other platforms to scale your organization
⦁ Why traditional structures are impeding your growth
The advantage of being a startup in the first place is you can be on the cutting edge of innovation, you can be extremely dynamic, and you can move really quickly. - Casey Olsen
LinkedIn Account:https://www.linkedin.com/in/casey-olsen-3b01b9168/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Jan 10, 2022
Episode 95: How to Scale Up Your Leadership Team with Timm Urschinger
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
How do you scale up your leadership team as your company expands?
What criteria should you consider when promoting team members or hiring external candidates?
I ask as in today's episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Timm Urschinger, Co-Founder & CEO, LIVEsciences AG and I talk about strategies you can implement when you’re planning to expand.
As a founder or executive, learn alternative strategies outside "the command-and-control" leadership style..
Which allow teams to self organise, allowing your teams to increase productivity and adapt to changes with increased confidence and speed.
Moreover, discover how you can perform a role that delivers results and motivates team members to contribute to the overall success of your company without being in the business 24/7.
Episode Highlights:
⦁ How leadership teams can exist without hierarchies
⦁ Why hatting your roles is crucial to your expansion
⦁ How to leverage new media communication channels to help you scale
Quote: “ I find purpose and values are usually relatively well aligned. ” - Timm Urschinger
LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timm-urschinger/
Website https://livesciences.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Here’s what we talked about:
Are you maximizing your brand’s potential to achieve your business goals?
In today’s digital world, how have you shifted your working practice to take full advantage of the online marketplace?
I ask as in today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Nicola Tardelli & Andrea Severino, Co-Founders of Healthy Virtuoso, and I talk through creating relationships on Zoom to building a personal brand.
We discuss how an organization’s personality can help increase traffic, attract customers, build a loyal following, and set you apart from your competitors.
Furthermore, we outline the steps required to dive deep into a market and the importance of listening to your customers’ needs.
If you wish to build a strong personal brand that can contribute to your company’s growth and expansion, be sure to listen to this podcast episode.
Episode Highlights:
4-step process to increase inbound traffic
Why personality is important as you build your brand
Why you must go from one-to-many to expand
Quote: “What we learn is that from the worst moment that you face, you can learn the best. These make you stronger. ” - Nicola Tardelli/Andrea Severino
Links: Website: www.healthyvirtuoso.com
Nicola Tardelli: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicola-tardelli-0029aa8b/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Dec 13, 2021
Episode 93: How to Live Life on Your Terms as a Founder with Peter Simeonov
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
As a founder, are you enjoying flexibility, convenience, and freedom?
Are you able to get what you want, and experience life as you build your business?
Are you living your life on your terms?
I ask as today on the #fintechscalingshow, Peter Simeonov and I dive into a discussion on what it takes to truly live the life you want to as a founder or an executive in a company.
We talk about what it’s like to go through the peaks and troughs of building and scaling your business.
Discover the beauty and benefits of owning a business when it comes to supporting the lifestyle you choose to have.
After all, what is the purpose of being a leader if you can't integrate your passions into the journey?
Episode Highlights:
⦁ Why Your Purpose Should Integrate Life and Business Aspirations
⦁ How Communication Skills will Help you Stand Out in 2022 and Beyond
⦁ How Leadership + Communication + Relations will Result in Profits
Quote: “it's important not to restrict yourself and to try new things ” - Peter Simeonov
LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/petersimeonov/
Website https://www.smartmigrator.com/
Other Social Media Account: https://twitter.com/peterksimeonov
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
“Don’t Tune Out, Tune In”…
This is how I started the most recent episode of the #fintechscalingshow
Because we went all in and spoke about the not so fancy topic of organizational structure & design
And went a long way to answering…
How do you build a winning organizational structure for yourself and your team to thrive in?
In today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Sushant Chalipat, COO of Claro Money, and I share insights, strategies, and practical advice that will help you scale your business and grow your profits.
Discover how to create an effective organizational structure that functions smoothly, have open communication lines, and delivers results.
Moreover, learn the importance of “hatting” different roles that can help leaders hire the right talent.
By knowing the right strategies and best practices in structuring your organization, you can effectively lead your team to grow.
Key Discussion Points:
⦁ The four steps to consider when building your organizational structure
⦁ Why focusing on production and outcome will help achieve your goal
⦁ Why teams should be empowered to hire talent
⦁ How you can use conflict in the workplace to shift mindsets
Curious to find out what it takes to put in the structure to facilitate your growth?
Quote: “ Retaining the best talent naturally leads into a better product and revenue proposition ” - Sushant Chalipat
LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sushant-chalipat/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Dec 06, 2021
Episode 91: Show your Public where to Go with Robin Lee
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How do you convince potential buyers to take action?
How do you convert visitors into loyal customers?
How do you promote your products or services in a manner that consistently attracts ready-to-buy customers to your business?
I ask these questions as in today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Robin Lee 李显龙 (Fintech & Regtech Executive) and I discuss...
The attributes and qualities that help Founders & Executives encourage their target audience to take action.
Learn how important purpose, credibility, and knowledge are in building up trust among customers, and how they will help you become a leader your public wants to follow.
𝗘𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀:
- The three-step formula to getting your public to take an action
- Why fully immersing yourself in the "problem" matters
- How to leverage social tools to communicate to your public
Quote: “And no matter who you are, whether you're that guy on the ground, or whether you're that, that presidential vigor, think it's important to be listening. ” - Robin Lee
LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robin-lee-李显龙-b8948a/
Website www.napier.ai
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How do you manage business growth?
How do you build teams and platforms that contribute to your organization’s success?
In today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Tom Van Der Lubbe, co-founder of Viisi, talks to us about life and business.
He shares with us how being fully engaged in your team’s life and their success can provide a great platform for business growth and expansion.
Learn how you, as a founder, can add value to your team’s success by building trust that provides your team with the autonomy and flexibility to contribute skills, ideas, and insights to your organization’s operations.
With the right team by your side, trust at the core, expanding your business will be fun
And leave you time to enjoy the process and life…
Episode Highlights:
⦁ How to build a team that stays with you for life
⦁ Why trust shouldn't be earned
⦁ How founders can add value to the team
⦁ What to focus on when hiring new team members
Quote: “ If you trust people, and also now they are much better at they're much better than than you are, because they're specialists, then scaling is an easy game” - Tom Van Der Lubbe
LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomvanderlubbe
Website: https://www.viisi.nl/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Are you ready to grow your startup business but don’t know what steps to take?
As a founder who’s ready to take the game to the next level, how do you overcome growing pains and successfully scale your business?
In today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Nikolaus Suhr shares with us his entrepreneurial journey and the strategies he takes in scaling Kasko, while continuously learning the ins and outs of running a technology-based business.
Discover why he was destined to become an entrepreneur, and how he uses both his successes and failures as learning experiences to grow and move forward in career and in business.
Furthermore, find out what it takes to become a leader, making certain that you have the drills and routines that allow you to propel forward towards success.
Episode Highlights:
⦁ Why meditation is useful and how it helps entrepreneurs
⦁ Drills and routines to help you move forward in your entrepreneurial journey
⦁ How your thoughts are capable of controlling your actions
Quote: “ What I find motivating is not so much the outcome of something, but just feeling the illusion of control ” - Nikolaus Suhr
LinkedIn Account: linkedin.com/in/nikolaussuehr
Website: http://www.kaskotech.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Episode 88: Founders Journey: Beating the Odds with Tobias Heaslip
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
How are you finding solutions to your entrepreneurial journey ?
I ask as in today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Tobias Francis Heaslip, Founder and CEO, of Trading.TV and I talk about how having the confidence to go out and connect with others...
Will not only help you find solutions, but provide a pathway to:
•longer-term higher profits
•Continuous stream of sales
•And even time left over for the rest of your life.
We go on to talk through why using life's experiences and being empathetic...
Are crucial elements to achieving your goals as you move forward to your ideal scene.
Episode Highlights
•What got Tobias to take the leap into the startup world
•The obstacles you need to overcome as you build your startup
•How your current situation or circumstance can help you later down the line
Quote: “Just keep that mentality going, like small wins every single day, ” - Tobias Heaslip
LinkedIn Account https://www.linkedin.com/company/trading-tv/mycompany/?viewAsMember=true
Website www.trading.tv
Other Social Media Account https://twitter.com/tradingtv
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Nov 26, 2021
Episode 87: Moving to America with Alexandre Covello
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Are you dreaming of moving to America to continue your expansion story ?
I ask as in today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Alexandre Covello, Co-Founder and CEO, of AngelsCube and I talk through some of the practicalities and considerations required to make it stateside.
We go on to discuss the internet and uprise of social platforms and why now could be the best time to make a commitment to expand, regardless of political fractions.
Lastly, we outline some of the life changes you, as a founder or executive, will have to make as you lead your team into a new market.
Episode Highlights:
• 3 Keys to expanding beyond Europe
• Lessons from ground zero; 8 reasons why expansion fails
• Why having control and funding in place will help you execute
Quote: “Everything needs to be adapted to you the US way of doing business” - Alexandre Covello
LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/covelloalexandre/
Website: www.angelscube.com
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Episode 86: Control Defined with Fabian Fischer
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
What do you think of when you hear the word Control?
Maybe, it's micromanagement
Or even the stress trying to figure out how to control your life and business as you expand
But what if I were to tell you that control can be positive, and in fact is necessary as you expand yourself and your business
So, in this episode of the ScaleUp Show we speak to Fabian Fischer Founder and CEO of Massup.
We dive into why control is necessary as you scaleup and how if viewed positively, can provide you and your team the autonomy to get "stuff" done.
We go on to talk through the importance of being at cause and not effect of situations, and how this plays a critical role in determining the success of your life and business.
And check out the bonus section at the end where Fabian flips the scales and asks me a question, before diving into the "flash round"
Quote: “You always have to understand that you, as a founder or a leader, You don't have all strengths in the world. - Fabian Fischer
LinkedIn AccountL https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabianfischer1/
Website: www.massup.de
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Nov 22, 2021
Episode 85: How to Automate as you Scale with Alex Conroy
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
As you grow, what are you doing to automate your business and go "digital"?
What tools and systems are you using to make your business processes flow smoothly and more efficiently?
I ask as today on the #fintechscalingshow, Myself and Alex Conroy COO of Pomanda talk through why he's invested in automation and digitizing processes on their way to getting 100,000 (and growing) users checking out their website monthly.
We go on to discuss how data is used on a weekly basis to review the customer journey, and make decisions on how to improve and move forward.
Find out how business automation helps reduce bottlenecks, save time, increase revenue, and improve efficiency and productivity in the organization. As you scale your business, discover how automation plays a key role in improving operations and performance.
Episode Highlights:
º Why SEO is Essential as You Look to Harness Google’s Power
º How Consistent Communication Builds Credibility
º Why Iterating and Moving Based on Data is Essential to Move Forward
Quote: “ We've been focusing very much on the automation side of things and being reactive to people that are responding to our outgoing. ” - Alex Conroy
LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-conroy-92a00544/
Website: www.pomanda.com
Other Social Media Account https://www.linkedin.com/company/pomanda/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Nov 19, 2021
Episode 84: Control your Destiny with Jimmy Fong and Tamás Kadar
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Are you ready to take your business to the next level?
As you scale, what signs are you looking for that give you control over your destiny?
I ask as today on the #fintechscalingshow, Tamás Kadar (CEO) and Jimmy Fong (CCO) of SEON to talk us through the system they have put in place to lead their business to growth, success, and higher profitability while maintaining human element.
After all, a business is run with people and these relationships must be nurtured to scale successfully.
But along with people, you need the data, at your fingertips, to make the "big calls” while maintaining your purpose as a business?
Episode Highlights
- Why Flat Hierarchies Empower Employees?
- How to Build an Inclusive Ecosystem
- What Stats to Look so you Control your Expansion, and Manage Contraction issues as they arise
- How to Keep Your Company Personality
Quote: “ People are the number one asset to any company because they can make it better or worse .” - Tamas kadar
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmyfong/
Website: www.seon.io
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Nov 15, 2021
Episode 83: Finding your Purpose with Federico Spiezia
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
All leaders have it....
And then go off an change the world
And once known, you to can take control and move your audience towards their ideal scene
What is it?
Today on the #fintechscalingshow, Federico Spiezia Founder, of Design Accelerator talks us through why purpose is top of the list as you look to setup you company and make an impact
It’s the single most powerful thing I know of that, when clarified and articulated, can give a person or a business a quick boost.
Key Discussion Points:
- How defining your purpose is a critical part of the founder journey
- Why engaging with your audience consistently helps you create a winning product or service
- What platforms to leverage as you look to communicate your message
Quote: “ what's important here is that you're able to convey your story by making it clear .” - Federico Spiezia
Company Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/design-accelerator01
Website: design-accelerator.co
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Nov 08, 2021
Episode 82: Building Confidence in Yourself with Magnus Franck
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Liverpool in the 90's and early 2000's had no confidence in their leaders, or teams
But, once @fenway sports took ownership
Leadership, vision and structure came with package
And small milestones were hit, that built up confidence in the team and the supporters that great things were on the horizon
So, confidence can be captured if you have the leaders, vision and structure in place
And is what we dive into Today on the #fintechscalingshow, as Magnus Franck, CEO of Upptec jumps into the "scaling seat” :)
And opens up about how he has built up his confidence and that of his team as he looks to scaleup
Key Discussion Points:
- Why you must challenge your capabilities as a leader
- How to build competence in your team
- Why communication is the essential ingredient in leading
- Why being curious is essential at an individual level
Quote: “ Be proud when you win, learn when you lose” - Magnus Franck
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/upptecon-ab/
Website: https://upptec.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Nov 01, 2021
Episode 81: Audience Engagement with Freek Dix and Benjamin Lobatto
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Does shouting from the rooftops get your publics attention?
I ask as in today’s episode of the #fintechscalingshow, Freek Dix and Benjamin Lobatto open up about how they’ve successfully connected the dots across a difficult to navigate ecosystem.
They go on to expand on their philosophy, and provide actionable insights on how to engage, and in some cases automate the conversation with your audience, prospects and customers
And in so doing, adding value along the way that helps you jump over obstacles and solve burning challenges
Key Discussion Points:
- Why understanding your narrative is critical to audience engagement
- The top 3 things you should do to connect with your audience consistently
- Social automation, how this can be done
Quote: “There's always a vehicle to cut corners And that's something you need to work out.” - Freek Dix
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-lobatto-740864a3/
Website: https://fintechamps.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Episode 80: An Investors View with Luca Ascani
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
What do investors look for in a founder and company?
Today on the #fintechscalingshow, Luca Ascani Founder & CEO, of Lambda Alpha talks us through what habits and traits he looks for as he looks to build up his investment portfolio.
Key Discussion Points:
- Why having a Co-Founder will help you expand
- The rules of being an entrepreneur
- Why the fail fast rule is important
Quote: “Do a mission with fundamentals.” - Luca Ascani
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucaascani/?originalSubdomain=it
Website: https://lambdalpha.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Oct 25, 2021
Episode 79: Organizing Yourself as a Leader with Gabriele Musella
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
What habits and rituals are you changing that will allow you to lead your team as you grow?
Today on the #fintechscalingshow, Gabriele Musella CEO & Co-Founder of CoinRule talk us through his philosophy of scaling and what habits he's put in place that allows him to manage his life and work - and enjoy both these elements as his business grows
From making certain all to-do's are in google, to OKR's and using calendly, Gabrielle dives into all this providing valuable nuggets that will allow you to break free of the grind and enjoy the scaling process
Key Discussion Points:
- How to make the best use of your calendar (and time)
- How to setup and facilitate and "Idea Box" culture
- Why small wins are important during the day
- Why being "interested" in people will help you scale
Quote: “The antisocial day for me. It's vital ” - Gabriele Musella
Linkedin: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/gabrielemusella
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Oct 22, 2021
Episode 78: Strategic Planning, Uncovered with Paolo Petrolini
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Do mountaineers leave their route to the top of Everest up to chance ?
Today on the #fintechscalingshow, Paolo Petrolini Founder & CPO, of Salarify talks us through how to setup and execute a strategic plan, in an ever changing world.
Making certain that day-on-day, week-on-week, nothing is left to chance as you scale your everest
Key Discussion Points:
- 3 Step Approach to Setting up your Plan
- How to adapt to a changing environment
- How to use OKR's and measure results regularly
- CFR Approach
- Why Blocking out units in your dairy is necessary as you grow
Quote: “ I am a big fan of democracy and leadership through democracy ” - Paolo Petrolini
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paolo-petrolini/
Website: https://salarify.me/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Oct 18, 2021
Episode 77: Dealing with Your Most Important Denominator with Tamás Gémes
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Here’s what we talked about
What's the common denominator as you scale ?
Today on the #fintechscalingshow, Tamás Gémes Co-Founder & CTO, of Fintech Blocks & Aggreg8.io talks us through his philosophy on people, and why this common theme must be thought through so that it "causes" a positive movement towards your mission.
Allowing your people to trust each other and take responsibility for their part in scaling towards a mission.
Key Discussion Points:
- How to get your new hires to produce quickly and efficiently
- Why train the trainer and mentorship helps you scale
- How to "hat up" your team members
- What to do when you see signs of contraction
ScaleUp Consulting, playing a major role in creating the new fintech ecosystem, by giving you the tools, strategies & insights to help you lead your team, group, and community to a prosperous future...
Quote: “ Talent can be developed as well. And learning is more of an attitude” - Tamas Gemes
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tamasgemes/
Website: https://fintechx.digital/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Here’s what we talked about
How are you innovating as you expand your business ?
Today on the #fintechscalingshow, Michael Galvin Co-Founder & CCO, of TOQIO talks us through his philosophy on why culture and diversity play an important part in innovation
Allowing for openness and different points of view to as you look to build a winning team.
Key Discussion Points:
- Why keeping a consistent personal routine helps as your scale
- How to keep up to date with market news and share information across teams
- How team diversity plays a part in innovation
ScaleUp Consulting, playing a major role in creating the new fintech ecosystem, by giving you the tools, strategies & insights to help you lead your team, group, and community to a prosperous future...
Quote: “Less about the knowledge and apply more, a little bit on the health” - Michael Galvin
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mpgalvin/
Website: https://toqio.co/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOQIO_fintech
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/