
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Episode 75: Focusing on Outflow Activities with David George
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Are you focusing on inflow or outflow activities as you expand?
Today on the #fintechscalingshow, David George CEO of Bikmo, jumps into the "scaling seat" :)
And opens up about why outflow activities, such as communication, are vital to leading your business and audience as he strives to make certain Bikmo can "Protect Cyclists around the World"
Episode 71, Focusing on Outflow Activities provides actionable insights that will allow you to move towards your ideal scene
Key Discussion Points:
- Why internal and external communication is a key ingredient as you scale
- How having a philosophy on dealing with people early on in your journey helps you expand
- How to build up you confidence as a leader
- Why leaders should enjoy the responsibility of "leading"
Quote: “Make sure the team are motivated to have what they need to achieve success in their role” - David George
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davegeorge1/
Website: https://bikmo.com/uk/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dave_bikmo/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Episode 74: The Essential Ingredient; Communication with Hidde Koning
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Ever wondered why some people expand, and others seem to contract ?
Today on the fintechScalingShow, Hidde Koning, Founder & CEO of Bittiq opens up about the importance of communication...
And how communicating effectively, both internally and externally, really lays the platform for expansion both individually and as a group and/or team.
We talk through how "connection" and having "affinity" with the people inside and outside of your company helps develop a collaborative environment that helps you achieve your targets and goals together.
Episode 74, The Essential Ingredient; Communication brings us back to basics and reminds us that without it expansion won't happen.
Key Discussions Points
- The communication triangle
- Why focusing on your strengths is important as you scale
- The entrepreneurial operating system
- Points to consider as you communicate to your ecosystem
Quote: “Hire people that are better than you for the things that needs to happen” - Hidde Koning
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hiddekoning/
Website: https://www.bittiq.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Unpacking Podcasting for Fintechs - Part 3
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Do you want to be in a place where?
The Time it takes to find and close new customers is reduced
You and Your team has access to a community of ready-to-buy customers
You have an active pipeline of qualified prospects to have conversations with week-on-week
You have a predictable flow of customers month-on-month
You have a quality control system that allows you to quickly ascertain ROI on activities
If you answered “yes” to any of these, then check out the video below
Unpacking Podcasting for Fintechs
This is Part 3 of my 3-part video series on why podcasting for fintechs will help you expand
Every day over the last 3 days I've given you the insides on why podcasting for fintechs will help you expand
To have these videos pop into you home feed, follow #Podcast4Fintechs
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Unpacking Podcasting for Fintechs - Part 2
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
What happens when you haven’t spoken, or even communicated, with close friends and family for a while?
You lose touch with what’s going on in their lives, right?
But, how does this relate to business and expansion?
Watch the video below to find out, and get a hot tip on how to reconnect with your audience
Unpacking Podcasting for Fintechs
This is Part 2 of my 3-part video series on why podcasting for fintechs will help you expand
Every day for the next 3 days I'll give you the insides on why podcasting for fintechs will help you expand
To have these videos pop into you home feed, follow Podcast4Fintechs
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Unpacking Podcasting for Fintechs - Part 1
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
What is the one critical activity required to maximize your chances of success?
Watch the video to find out what you should focus on, right now
Unpacking Podcasting for Fintechs
This is Part 1 of my 3-part video series on why podcasting for FinTechs will help you expand
Every day for the next 3 days I'll give you the insides on why podcasting for fintechs will help you expand
To have these videos pop into you home feed, follow #Podcast4Fintechs
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
New Video Series: Unpacking Podcasting for Fintechs
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Are you feeling you’re not being heard by your audience, prospects and customers, and this is resulting in slow sales cycles and deals “sitting in the pipeline for ages”?
My response: Focus on Maximizing your 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 on a consistent basis
As your 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰, and the consistency of your 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Will determine your 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰
But, wait…
That’s easier said than done, right?
Where do you start, how do you come up with ideas?
I would like to help you
So, I've created a 3-part video series. Starting tomorrow, I'll post one video every day for the next 3 days in which will give you the insides on why podcasting for FinTechs will help you expand
Follow #Podcast4Fintechs to increase the likelihood of these videos showing up in your feed
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Sep 20, 2021
Episode 69: Using Communication to Scale with Arvid De Coster
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
"What do you know or what do you have that no one else has?"
Today on the #FintechScalingShow, Arvid De Coster, Co-Founder and CEO of WeGroup opens up about the questions he asks himself and his team that ensures they continue to move forward and differentiate themselves in the market.
We go on to talk about how to communicate both internally and externally and why this is such an important aspect of scaling your business.
Episode 69, Using Communication to Scale, dives into a subject that will really make a difference to your business as you look to lead your team to prosperity
Key Discussions Points
- The Why Rule
- Why being an empathetic communicator will help you scale
- How to keep top of mind and build influence
- How to become a company of thought leaders
Quote: “I think one of the most important elements is empathy” - Arvid De Coster
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arviddecoster/
Website: https://www.wegroup.be/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Episode 68: The Expansion Formula with Sean Sanders
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
What are you doing to expand yourself and your business as you move forward to your ideal scene?
Today on the #fintechscalingshow, Sean Sanders, Founder & CEO of Revix talks us through his expansion formula and the steps he took to launch his product, and move forward to expanding this into international markets.
We go on to discuss why confidence is such an important part of scaling, and the role it plays in building a better self and a team that believes in themselves - in fact right now Revix are running a company wide project to take the next step on this topic right now, both internally and externally!
Episode 68, The Expansion Formula, discusses why having an expansion formula is vital and the role confidence plays in scaling your company.
Key Discussion Points:
- How to move from start-up to expansion, and the critical activities to consider
- Why confidence must be part of your scaling agenda
- Why building your product & business development department in parallel is critical to your success
Quote: “Giving people the autonomy and the power to go into achieving what they want to achieve because individually when people feel motivated and challenged and inspired and all the rest, that's when you get the best from them” - Sean Sanders
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/seanandrewsanders/
Website: https://revix.com/
Sean's Podcast Playlist:
Bloomberg: What’d you miss this? This week
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Sep 10, 2021
Episode 67: Setting up Your Remote WorkForce with Emilian Stoilkov
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
What are you doing to set up a remote workforce to propel you forward as you scale?
Today on the #theFintechScalingShow, Emilian, CEO and Co-Founder of QaiWare, talks us through how he setup and run a remote workforce, and what benefits he sees from sticking to this path for over 10 years.
We dive into the processes and data he uses to control his business remotely and how these same processes give him the information to adapt if and when needed.
Episode 67 , Setting up Your Remote Workforce, talks about how setting up a remote ecosystem gives your team the flexibility they require to live their life.
Key Discussion Points:
- What processes and data to collect and analyse for your remote business
- How to replace the coffee break catch-up
- How a remote ecosystem helps get the best from your team
Quote: “ In order to really be good in your job. You also have to be good in relaxing’ - Emilian Stoilkov
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stoilkov/
Website: https://www.qaiware.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Sep 06, 2021
Episode 66: Silicon Valley to Europe with Anthony Mayer
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
What do Silicon Valley and Europe have in common when it comes to scaling startups?
Today on the #theFintechScalingShow, Anthony Mayer, VP of engineering at GetSafe, talks about the similarities between Silicon Valley and the European start-up scene. He dives into how important it is, as a leader, to have the ability to bring groups of people together to solve a common problem and the need to forget hierarchy systems as ideas are not status-driven.
We go on to talk about some of the main tools he's bought over from Silicon Valley, and jump into why adaptability is important and how to use retrospectives to move the business or product forward rather than look for someone or something to blame.
Episode 66, Silicon Valley to Europe, takes us on a fascinating journey and outlines how far the European start-up scene has come and is in fact leading the charge as we dig deep to transform the FinTech space
Key Discussions Points
- What processes and data to collect and analyse for your remote business
- How to replace the coffee break catch-up
- How a remote ecosystem helps get the best from your team
Quote: “ Be constantly prepared to adapt as necessary’ - Anthony Mayer
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adwmayer/
Website: https://www.hellogetsafe.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Sep 03, 2021
Episode 65: Using Influencers to Build Market Presence with Mihails Skoblov
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
Are you using influencers to boost your brand awareness?
Today on the #FintechScalingShow, Mihails Skoblov, CEO and founder of Bitlevex takes us down his path and talks about how he's leveraging influencers and video on YouTube to boost his market presence.
He dives deep into what Bitlevex is doing with affiliates and bloggers and how this is boosting their brand in the market and at the same time helping them to educate their target audience.
Episode 65, Using influencers to build market presence, provides real-world examples of how to use social influencers and established, and trusted communities, to scale your company
Key Discussions Points
- How to build and develop business relationships
- Why educating consumers is critical
- How to use YouTube?
- The impact of social influences and blogging.
Quote: “ If you find a good blogger influencer on YouTube, and if you find a good format to scheme and , The formula to where it can create a very good message for this particular audience, the result can be amazing’ - Mihails Skoblov
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikhailskoblov/
Website: https://bitlevex.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Aug 30, 2021
Episode 64: Shifting Your Mindset with Colum Lyons
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How has your mindset shifted as you’ve moved through the gears, and scaled your company?
Today on #theFintechScalingShow, Column Lyons, CEO of ID-Pal, opens up about his role as Founder and CEO, and how he has gone out of his way to learn and acquire new skills. All the time shifting his mindset gradiently so the company he builds is prosperous.
We go on to talk about how life and work are intermingled, but there is also a dose of reality for everyone as building a business from the ground up does take effort, resilience and sacrifices.
“Our business is moving 24/7, it’s doesn’t sleep ” Colum
But in the same breathe, Colum goes onto discuss how he makes cares for his team, so they can switch-off and this is reflected in the 4pm Friday call, where the team hop-on a call to close the week out
Episode 64, Shifting your mindset, dives into the facets of scaling.
Key Discussion Points
- How to upskill yourself as a Founder & CEO
- The importance of moving burn-out from the equation
- Tactics to promote and communicate your product to the market
Quote: "Having scars in your past is a good thing, because if you have scars, you're not going to make those same mistakes again" - Colum Lyons
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/columlyons/
Website: https://www.id-pal.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Aug 27, 2021
Episode 63: Entrepreneurship and Social Bubbles with Ulric Musset
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
What were you doing when you're 12 years old?
Today on the #fintechscalingshow, Ulric Musset, Founder and CEO of Vauban takes us down his path into entrepreneurship and how he started using the internet to earn money from 12 years old.
He goes on to walk through the “talent” challenge and what he’s doing to stand out from the crowd and source the best team to realise his vision. In an action packed episode, we go on to discuss how he launched gathered market feedback through creating a simple, but effective, landing page - and how this was a catalyst to really get going
We move on to talk about how Ulric is using social bubbles to educate his team and leverage this information “together” to truly understand what's going on in their target market.
Episode 63, Entrepreneurship and Social Bubbles, unpacks the secrets to using the internet as a secret weapon to learn and grow as you scale your business
Key Discussion Points
- How to leverage social media to understand your target market?
- How to use the internet to grow yourself
- Ideas to learn together as a team
Quote: “ First thing is to focus on the why and the impact of what we are doing more than the how” - Ulric Musset
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulricmusset/
Website: https://vauban.io/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Episode 62: Control Your Destiny with Didrik Martens
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How are you stepping up and controlling your destiny?
Today on #fintechscalingshow, Didrik Martens, Founder and CEO of Bizbot talks to us about the role of Founder / CEO, and why getting organised in your business is critical for you to enjoy the journey
He goes on to talk about the legal responsibilities of running your business and the critical parts one should be aware of as they set off. And we jump into the financial aspect, outlining key points to consider to guarantee prosperity as you grow.
Episode 62, Control your destiny, dives into the insides of what it really takes to be a Founder and CEO, the not-so-pretty stuff that you’ll need to learn as you grow and scale your business
Key Discussion Points
- The Role of Founder and CEO
- How to get organised and enjoy your business
- Results driven, not time driven efficiency
Quote: “ Give value rather than discounts ” - Didrik Martens
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/didrikmartens/
Website: www.bizbot.com
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Aug 20, 2021
Episode 61: Changing Lanes with Myles Milston
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:.
When you first played tennis or cricket, were you instantly hitting the ball out the middle
Or, did it take time, dedication and some sacrifice for you to move through the gears?
Today in the #fintechscalingshow, Myles Milston, Co-founder and CEO of Globacap talks through his journey as Co-Founder and the path that lead him to starting up a business.
We dive into the different paths Myles went down, from Jazz musician to computer science graduate, all the while iterating and reflecting on both successes and failures as he lived his life.
Episode 61, Changing lanes, talks about life and how failures and reflection are a vital part of your journey as you continue towards a path of business in the fast paced world of a FinTech
Key Discussion Points
- Learning from your life interests to create your own path
- How to learn from both failures and successes
- The different aspects of hiring as you scale
- How to align your new team members to your mission
Quote: “ Failure is the best experience we can get. ” - Myles Milston
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/myles-milston/
Website: https://globacap.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Episode 60: Passion is Essential with Alberto García Rodríguez
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
What is your true passion about life, about work? and can they intermingle and play out a duet together?
Today on the #fintechascalingshow,. Alberto, Founder, and CEO of Fortify, opens up about his passion, and how this set him on a path to make a difference in people’s lives through positively impacting them through the tech that he’s built.
Learning languages, and interacting with different cultures and people is a secret ingredient in creating meaningful relationships - and, at times, overlooked as we strive to do more “faster”.
A purpose-driven entrepreneur, Alberto dives into how starting and leading a startup is changing him and the lessons he’s learning every day as he builds his business from the ground up.
Episode 60, Passion is Essential, shows us for leaders to learn, grow, scale, and lead their teams to prosperity passion is an essential ingredient
Key Discussion Points
- Life Lessons of a Startup Founder
- Why being passionate about your business matters
- How to create a business that fits in with your life, your mission
Quote: “ I think for the current decision-making we need to really have good advisors. ” - Alberto Rodriguez
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gralberto94/
Website: https://fortifylanguages.pory.app/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Episode 59: BlitzScaling a Fintech with Toms Jurjevs
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How do you scale your startup from 2 to 750 employees in three years?
My guest today on the #fintechscalingshow, Toms Jurjevs, Co-Founder & CEO of Sun finance provides a playbook of actionable steps that helped him and his team blitzscale as they went about achieving their vision.
Toms talks about his early experiences as a country manager and how this helped shape his business philosophy. But he knew this part of the journey was a stepping stone, as he had the entrepreneurial flair and enthusiasm to think outside the box.
Episode 59 BlitzScaling a Fintech is an actioned packed episode that gives you the story behind one of Europe's fastest growing Fintechs, and goes to show that doing the little things better than others does count for something
Key Discussion Points
- Alternative routes to self-education as a startup founder
- Why running lean matters as you scale
- The five principles of scaling
- Why the little things can make a big difference
Quote: “Spend every Euro as it is your last one.” - Toms Jurjevs
Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/toms-jurjevs
Website: https://sunfinance.group/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co
or visit our website https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Monday Aug 09, 2021
Episode 58: Trekking through Uncharted Terrain with Ralf Heim
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
What terrain have you navigated on the route to learning and scaling your company ?
My guest today on the #fintechscalingshow Ralf Heim, Founder and Co-CEO of Fincite, talks through how as a 19 year-old he got the best education one could imagine and helped scale a startup.
This early experience proved critical as later on down the road, he set-off on his own startup journey. And quickly being recognised as one of Germany’s fastest growing startups by the likes of the FT.
Episode 58, Trekking through Uncharted Terrain, provides a real life story of how to navigate your journey and make certain to consistently learn as you build your business and life ambitions
Key Discussion Points:
- Why taking the path less travelled can be fruitful
- Remember referrals as you scale
- How internal team investment pays dividends
Quote: “ There is no marketing campaign, like word of mouth.” - Ralf Heim
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralfheim/
Website: hhttps://www.fincite.de/en/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co
or visit our website: https://scaleupconsulting.co.uk/

Friday Aug 06, 2021
Episode 57: Leadership as You Scale with Daniel Faloppa
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How did you start out on your journey to building your fintech?
My guest today on the #fintechscalingshow, Daniel Faloppa, founder and CEO of Equidam talks about how he started out from university, and learnt the skills required to build a startup that helps other startups value their business using cutting edge technology
We dive into how Daniel came up with the idea for Equidam, and took it to market. Going onto talking about the importance of leadership as your company grows up.
Episode 57, Leadership as you scale, gives you an inside view of how leadership is a skill that can be learned as you go through the journey of scaling your business
Key Discussion Points
- How to take an idea to market
- The different aspects of business development
- How to work on your business, not in it
Quote: “ Valuation is the ultimate decision-maker. It's the only variable that puts together risk and return” - Daniel Faloppa
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielfaloppa/
Website: https://www.equidam.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Aug 02, 2021
Episode 56: Building Tech to Scale with Rory Ryan
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How are you building your tech stack to scale?
My guest today on the #fintechscalingshow. Rory Ryan, CTO at Pipit Global, talks about the critical aspects of creating a scalable and sustainable tech stack as your company moves through the gears and starts growing.
Rory goes onto talk about his approach to scaling tech and outlines three critical steps to fast integration, which we all know is one of the hardest aspects of releasing and connecting software alongside other vendors or systems.
Episode 56, Building Tech to Scale dives into the techy aspects of scaling a fintech and shows us how to put the plumbing in from the ground up.
Key Discussion Points:
- Three-steps to help you integrate faster
- Aspects to consider as you scale your tech
- Standardization vs Bespoke build
Quotes: “Compliance is where things were getting still. We put a lot more resources into compliance” - Rory Ryan
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roryryan/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Jul 26, 2021
Episode 55: Finding Hidden Value Other's Don't with Michiel Meyer
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
What are you doing to find your edge in a competitive market?
Today on the #fintechscalingshow, Michiel Meyer, Founder and CEO of Workwize opens up about how the the roles he had prior to becoming a founder helped him land on his feet as he launched his startup.
We dive into how the experience of taking an idea, and then launching it into the market helped build his knowledge and toolset which would be used to good effect later down the road
Episode 55, Finding Hidden Value Others Don't is a jammed packed episode that looks at how startup founders can find their edge through building self-education before they take the leap.
Key Discussion Points
- From idea to market launch
- Difference between direct and indirect channels
- Demand generation tactics & community building
Quote: “ The most important thing when starting a new business is having trust in each other” - Michiel Meyer
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michielmeyer/
Website: https://www.workwize.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Episode 54: A Branding Masterclass with David Brier
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How are you rising above the noise?
My guest today on the #Fintech Scaling Show, David Brier, Chief Gravity Defier of DBD International talks about why your brand, not your product can elevate you and help you scale.
David is electric in this podcast and tells it as it is.
Episode 54, A Branding Masterclass, help clients why your brand should be center stage as you scale up
Key Discussion Points:
- Why focusing on customer problems and aspirations is critical?
- How to disrupt through branding?
- How to look at the market, social media, and communities?
Quote: “The pathway to our customer’s doors does not start at our front door, it starts at their front door.” - David Brier
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbrier/
Website: https://www.risingabovethenoise.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Jul 12, 2021
Episode 53: Disrupting Business Development with Ned Phillips
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How are you disrupting the norm?
My guest today on #FinTechscalingshow, Ned Phillips, founder, and CEO of Bambu doesn't talk through how his tech is disrupting the norm, but how his sales and marketing team are leading the way in engaging with their community and in, so doing disrupting the status quo, when it comes to sales and marketing in financial services.
He goes on to talk about how using and leveraging digital platforms has allowed him to get his message out there and help break down the traditional barriers of the traditional barriers in financial services.
Episode 53 Disrupting Business Development provides insight into a new interface of what is an innovative way to connect, engage, and help your customers.
Key Discussion Points
- How to leverage social media platforms to scale?
- Why thoughtful content helps drive engagement?
- How communities can help a brand evolve and scale?
Quotes: “If you make decisions with bad intentions, it doesn't even matter if it's right. You shouldn't have done it.So go with your gut. ” - Ned Phillips
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ned-phillips/
Website: https://bambu.co/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How can you nurture an ecosystem that helps startups grow?
My guests today on #theFinTechscalingshow panel talk through what Ireland is doing to support fintechs and how this is helping the economy and people's spread their wings cross borders.
Our distinguished experts give us a sneak preview of what it takes to set up and sustain the ecosystem that funds more startups than Y Combinator.
Episode 52 Scaling up in Ireland (The Ecosystem Built to Help Fintechs Scale) provides a playbook and platform for aspiring FinTech founders to leverage proving that relationships are the crucial ingredients as you scale.
Key Discussion Points
- The Irish FinTech ecosystem
- How to set up and facilitate a cross-border network?
- Why nurturing startups is critical to economic growth?
“ The attraction of FinTech is very strong for a lot of people, but when you're setting the company up, you have to have a very solid plan in place. And then you can ask for help. I think looking for somebody else to draw your planet for you, it is not the way to.” - Neil Ryan
“So you have to, you have to be able to change with the times and things can become pretty stale pretty quickly. I would say first and foremost, from my perspective, it's gotta be innovative” - Jack Clark
“I suppose we've kind of formed ourselves into an organization builds upon the connections that the guys have spoken upon. Firstly, I suppose that that helps set the strategic direction for our organization” - Michael Concannon
Neil Ryan - https://www.linkedin.com/in/neil-ryan-021b7431/
Michael Concannon - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-concannon-6b578719/
Jack Clarke - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-f-clarke-088b9229/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co

Monday Jun 28, 2021
Episode 51: It's Never Too Late with Steve Pomfret
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Here’s what we talked about:
How can you use your corporate career experience to set up and scale a business?
My guest today on the #FintechScalingShow, Steve Pomfret CEO of Cygnetise talks openly about his journey from banker to consultant and starting and scaling a business.
He is candid about how he's leveraged his board and team to fill in the areas outside of his expertise and how this has paid dividends.
Episode 51 It's never too late, provides hope to those who have an idea and a sense of realism about how they can use their corporate experience to move from idea to reality.
Key Discussion Points:
- How to transition from corporate world to startup founder
- How to leverage your boards experience to scale
- The reality of scaling and moving from Founder to CEO
Quotes: “Continuous change. Continue to change content, continuous improvement, you need to continually look at and review what you're actually doing and if it is appropriate” - Steve Pomfret
Website: https://www.cygnetise.com/
Scaling Now?
Want to speed up your scaling journey with my help? Get in touch with me here to see how I can help! richard@scaleupconsulting.co